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Acelerar Hospitality Management App

Manage your crew and tasks at the Hostel effectively with just one product.

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Overview of the project

Acelerar unifies safety, quality assurance, and operations and facilities management onto a single, desktop- and mobile-friendly platform. With inspections, work orders, checklists, logs, conversations, and reports all in one location, you can standardize, schedule, track, and assess work across departments, assets, and locations.




Web and Mobile Application


Design Strategy
UX Design
UI Design
Design System

Challenges identified in the Process

Orderless System

No centralized system to
understand the role,
responsibilities, and routine of the
hotel management staff.

Potential Edge Cases

No centralized system to
understand the role,
responsibilities, and routine of the
hotel management staff.


Creating a user-friendly interface
that frontline workers could easily
understand and navigate to
complete their tasks with ease.

insights from collaborative discovery sessions

We identified the primary functionalities by understanding the requirements and vision of the stakeholders and by examining the day-to-day activities of frontline personnel. We established the scope and interaction of mobile and online platforms based on the insights.

Things can go wrong in the hospitality industry very quickly.
Knowing the edge cases should therefore be the top priority.

When a facility wants to expand beyond a specific region or workforce, scalability became a problem.

When a facility wants to expand beyond a specific region or workforce, scalability became a problem.

Intuitive navigation patterns

We adopted a comprehensive strategy to analyze the system as a whole, creating a thorough information architecture and optimizing user flows. We were able to successfully discover and close large systemic shortcomings thanks to this insight.

Information architecture


Status flow and task life cycle


Task management flow


Designing aesthetics

Acelerar had previously given us brand guidelines, so we began experimenting with them. The homepage was created in various versions as a result. We finally selected one that satisfied the client's needs as well as the business objectives after presenting them.

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